Base Typography
This is an H1 Heading
<h1>This is an H1 Heading</h1>
This is an H2 Heading
<h2>This is an H2 Heading</h2>
This is an H3 Heading
<h3>This is an H3 Heading</h3>
This is an H4 Heading
<h4>This is an H4 Heading</h4>
This is an H5 Heading
<h5>This is an H5 Heading</h5>
ropcap Styling for article intros and much more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.
<div class="dropcap">D</div>ropcap Styling
This is the Example Quote Class this can be used to create quotes in article pages by using the code below
<blockquote class="opensmall">This is the Example Quote Class</blockquote>
Example LG Quote Class
<blockquote class="openlarge">This is the Example Quote Class</blockquote>
This is the code div class. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien.
<div class="code">This is the code div class</div>
This is the highlight div class. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing
mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien. Nam nulla.
<div class="highlight">This is the highlight div class</div>
Blog Div Styles
This is Blog Red
<div class="blog-red">blog-red</div>
This is Blog Blue
<div class=">blog-blue">blog-blue</div>
This is Blog Green
<div class="blog-green">blog-green</div>
This is Blog Cyan
<div class="blog-cyan">blog-cyan</div>
This is Blog Tan
<div class="blog-tan">blog-tan</div>
This is Blog Yellow
<div class="blog-yellow">blog-yellow</div>
This is Blog Grey
<div class="blog-grey">blog-grey</div>
This is Blog Pink
<div class="blog-pink">blog-pink</div>
Note Style
This the note style. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien. Nam nulla.
<div class="note">This is note style</div>
Flat Button Styles
<button class="btnblue">Blue Button</button>
<button class="btnred">Red Button</button>
<button class="btngreen">Green Button</button>
<button class="btngrey">Grey Button</button>
<button class="btnyellow">Yellow Button</button>
<button class="btnorange">Orange Button</button>
UL List Styles
Check List
- This is an
- example of a
- checlist ul
Article List
- This is an
- example of an
- article list
Star List
- This is an
- example of a
- star list
Arrow List
- This is an
- example of an
- arrow list
Remove List
- This is an
- example of a
- remove list
Bookmark List
- This is an
- example of a
- bookmark list
Comment List
- This is an
- example of a
- comment list
Marker List
- This is an
- example of a
- marker list
Play List
- This is an
- example of a
- play list
Asterisk List
- This is an
- example of a
- asteric list
Notice List
- This is an
- example of a
- notice list
Favorites List
- This is an
- example of a
- favotites list
P Styles
Error style
Ideas style
Astrix style
This is com
This is mod
This is plug
This is lang
This is RSS
Bar Graph One
Create custom Bar Graphs using the Div Class bargraphv barone - barten. Bargraphv generates the css code for the graph and barone gives it a 10% height, bartwo creates 20% and so on. To give it a circle tag at the bottom use a DIV class of cloud_tag1.
<div class="bargraphv bartone"></div>
<div class="cloud_tag1">10</div>